Saturday, May 18, 2013

Daily 5 in Action!

Guided Reading
During Daily 5, I meet with one of my guided reading groups. During guided reading, the students would work on a variety of skills to improve their oral reading, fluency, comprehension and prosody. While these students are working with me, the other students are doing The Daily 5.
 Read to Self

Here, a student is reading independently.

Read to Someone

I love seeing the kids together during Read to Someone! I think this is such a great component of D5. Sometimes the students will take turns reading their AR book to each other. They are so engaged in their reading!

 Other times, the students will read a magazine together such as "Times For Kids" like the students are doing in the picture above.

Word Work

Word Work allows students to work independently on their word study groups. This year we implemented Words Their Way into the classrooms. During Daily 5, students can practice spelling their words in a quiet setting. It's so quiet in the room-you can hear a pin drop! 

If I am not working with a group, I am available to help students one-on-one. This time gives me the opportunity to meet with a student who may need some extra practice or enrichment.
Work on Writing

These students love to write! I am constantly refilling the binder with paper because of the popular D5 choice. The students have a variety of topics to choose from and in turn allows them to express their creativity.
Listen to Reading

Listen to Reading is a great way to listen to fluent readers. They can follow along on the computer screen while reading a variety of stories. Recently, I found some great websites that offer stories for all levels such as Storia, Reading AtoZ, Reading Rainbow

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